
Privacy Policy


火博体育学院致力于尊重您的隐私. 本私隐声明适用于 the collection and use of information collected through official Skidmore websites 以及火博体育的其他数字资产. 

This Privacy Policy explains the information that 火博体育大学 gathers, why we 收集这些信息,以及我们如何使用这些信息.

  1. 信息的收集和使用

    1. 个人身份信息

      Skidmore will not collect personally identifiable information (PII) about you when you visit our websites or digital properties unless you voluntarily provide us with that information. 就本政策而言,PII可能包括但不限于 to: a user’s name, email address, IP address, Skidmore identifiers (ID number, class year, etc.) mailing or home address, phone numbers, employment information, academic 识别用户个人身份的信息或其他信息. 火博体育可能会要求 users to voluntarily provide PII and, in doing so, the user is providing Skidmore with permission to use the information for the stated purpose and in accordance with this policy. PII may be requested, for example, to access a password-protected website, join a mailing list, download admissions marketing materials, or engage in a payment transaction.

      Skidmore may use that information for such purposes as fulfilling your requests for our information or services, communicating information that may be of interest to 你,改善我们的服务,进行研究调查. 火博体育不会分享的 your information with third parties except as set forth below under "Sharing Your Information."

    2. Public Forums

      If you use any comment or form submission functions on our site, any PII you submit can be read, collected, or used by other users of these tools, and could be used to 给你发送不请自来的信息. 我们不对您选择提交的个人身份信息负责 in these forums.

    3. 我们如何使用从网站访问者收集的信息

      Examples of how PII and/or aggregate data collected by 火博体育大学 sites and 可能使用的服务包括但不限于以下内容:

      —  作教育及/或研究用途;
      —  用于编辑和反馈目的;
      —  To enable outreach to audiences such as prospective students, event attendees, enrolled 学生、教职员工、校友和退休人员;
      —  To aid in statistics analysis of a visitor’s online behavior for website development;
      —  能够分析趋势;
      —  进行现场管理;
      —  发展使用统计;
      —  收集人口统计资料;
      —  为网站页面/内容和布局定制;
      —  To offer assistance, web or printed materials, services, and support upon request;
      —  To provide College-related events, news, publications, and other opportunities;
      —  筹款活动;
      —  为学院进行外展和市场推广;
      —  考虑学院的入学申请.

      In addition, names, postal and e-mail addresses, and phone numbers provided by visitors 可通过在线表格添加到Skidmore的数据库中. 此信息可能会被使用 for correspondence, e-mail, or other uses consistent with Skidmore’s business practices 和/或学术使命. 火博体育还可能使用此类信息为用户提供 有关学院和社区活动的通知.

    4. 非个人身份信息

      When you visit Skidmore websites 以及火博体育的其他数字资产, we may automatically collect and store information sent by your web browser, such as IP addresses (i.e., (您计算机的Internet地址)记录在服务器日志中. 我们也收集标准信息 about your computer (such as your web browser and operating system) and about your usage of our 网站和数字财产 (such as pages visited, length of visit, 和搜索查询). 此信息不能识别您的个人身份 aggregated and used to help diagnose problems and suggest points for improving parts 我们的网站和数字资产. 例如,我们使用网站分析软件 识别我们网站的哪些部分使用频率最高.

    5. Cookies

      Cookies are small pieces of data automatically stored in a user’s browser when a website is visited. 火博体育大学 may place cookies on a visitor’s computer to store information about visitor preferences, record user-specific information on pages accessed or visited, customize web page content based on browser type or device, or to present visitors with content or advertisements about 火博体育大学 on other web pages they subsequently visit.

      Users can set their browsers to receive notification when a website sends them a cookie 所以他们可能会接受或拒绝它. 请注意,学院网站的某些部分可能不是 function properly, or may be considerably slower if cookies are rejected.

  2. 分享你的信息

    In cases when Skidmore has personally identifiable information (PII) about you, we will not sell, rent, or share that PII with unnecessary third parties and will treat it in compliance with other related institutional policies and federal and state laws and regulations. 火博体育可能出于目的与授权第三方共享PII of providing services or when required to comply with legal and/or law enforcement requirements.

  3. 行为广告与营销

    Skidmore may contract with third-party vendors to show our advertisements on non-Skidmore 网站和数字财产. Skidmore和与我们签订合同的第三方供应商 may use cookies and web beacons to serve our ads based on your prior visit(s) to Skidmore 网站和数字财产 and to assess the effectiveness of our ads. This is 也被称为目标广告或基于兴趣的广告.

    These techniques use only non-personally identifiable information, and you may opt out of behavioral advertising by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative opt-out page.


    火博体育学院坚定地致力于数据安全. 限制未经授权的访问 and to ensure data integrity and security, 火博体育大学 implements physical, electronic, and administrative policies and procedures intended to safeguard information the College 收集和/或存储. 然而,学院不能保证或保证绝对的数据 security.

  5. 第三方网站

    Skidmore 网站和数字财产 may link to external sites that are not controlled by Skidmore. Your use of such websites will be subject to the privacy statements of 这些网站,我们鼓励你去读. 火博体育没有责任 privacy practices or the content of such websites and does not make any representations about them.

  6. 您的同意以及如何火博体育

    By visiting 火博体育大学 sites and services, you consent to the collection, storage, 以及上述PII和汇总数据的传播. 我们保留权利 可随时修改本隐私政策.

    Effective Date



    If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact the Skidmore 学院传播与市场办公室 info@theweddingringblog.com,(518) 580-5733,或邮寄至:

    815 N Broadway