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Skidmore Small 爵士乐团

Students may perform in the Small 爵士乐团 program or in the Skidmore Big Band. Jazz combos are coached by various faculty members, and offer students opportunities to develop their improvisational skills. The makeup of the small jazz groups is determined by student performance levels (by audition) and may include from three to eight players. Typically there is a rhythm section (piano, bass, drums) and horns, guitars, or vocalists. The groups rehearse two hours per week and take part in several performance opportunities throughout the semester, including a final concert at the end of the term. 许多 the groups rehearse and perform outside of their class time as well. Students interested in SJE should contact 拉塞尔·海特 to arrange for an audition either at pre-registration or the beginning of the semester.

The Skidmore Big Band is directed by 拉塞尔·海特 and offers students the opportunity to perform in a large jazz group. The group may include as many as 20 to 25 members and rehearses one evening per week. 表演s include a final concert at the end of the term and occasional road trips. Entry to the Big Band is by audition. 感兴趣 students should contact 拉塞尔·海特 的信息.


Private instrumental lessons in jazz studies are available with Skidmore faculty. 教训 are arranged with teachers by audition or interview and may be taken for credit 或审计. Weekly lessons are 45 or 60 minutes, by arrangement with the instructor. There is an additional fee for private lessons. (Check the current catalog for lesson 费用). The following areas of instrumental studies are available:

研究范围 教练
爵士钢琴 韦恩·霍金斯
Sax 拉塞尔·海特 & 亚当Hutcheson
Acoustic and electric bass 丰富的锡拉丘兹
吉他 乔治Muscatello
打击乐器 鲍勃Halek