

The 朱迪祖文萃 '75 Music Scholars Series supports both formal and informal interaction of music students with prominent music scholars, especially in the interdisciplinary study of class, race, and gender. In grateful recognition for her Skidmore education, 朱迪祖文萃 ’75 established this series to provide long-term program enhancement for the Skidmore 音乐系. Specifically, the Tsou Scholar Series provides support for the academic work of the department by inviting distinguished scholars to the 火博体育大学. Residencies include activities such as campus lectures on scholarly research that will extend academic study of music in our classrooms and intersect with related fields across campus; visits to music classrooms to engage with coursework and academic discussions; and informal interactions with students, including mentoring students (on seminar projects, senior projects and/or postgraduate plans), receptions, 和学生一起吃饭. The series aims to serve as an extension of Skidmore students’ engagement with the scholarly discourse on musical topics and to introduce students to prominent scholars and their work.


朱迪的网站 at University of Washington

朱迪祖文萃 ’75 is affiliate assistant professor of music history and music librarian emerita at the University of Washington. Her research interests include music librarianship 和音乐学. She has published widely on topics such as rights for online-only music and the William Crawford III rare music collection (in Notes: Journal of the Music Library Association(2016年和2017年). She has also recently published articles on Puccini’s Madama Butterfly (Rethinking Difference in Music 奖学金, Cambridge University Press, 2015), and on hiring practices of women in academia 在20世纪中期(女人与音乐, 2016). She is active in the American Musicological 社会, where she has chaired many committees, including the Music in American Culture Award Committee and the Committee on Race and Ethnicity in the Profession. She has been elected Vice-President of the 社会 effective November 2018.   She has also been active in the 社会 for American Music, where she served on the board in the 1990s and as president-elect/president/past president from 2012 to 2016. In the Music Library Association (MLA), she served twice on the board in the 1990s and 2010s and chaired numerous committees. 她还担任过 as president of the US branch of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML-US) from 2008 to 2011. 在担任 IAML-US, she collaborated with the president of the MLA to successfully merge the two organizations, for which she won the Special Achievement Award from MLA in 2013. Other awards include the 社会 for American Music Citation for Distinguished Service and 奖学金 (March 2017) and the Susan Koppelman Award in 1994 for her publication 塞西莉亚回收. In November 2017 she was inducted as an honorary member of the American Musicological 社会.  And in February 2018, she received a Papakhian Special Achievement Award from MLA for her work on diversity and inclusivity.


2023: 萨曼塔大学
2022: 科菲Agawu
2021: Tammy Kernodle
2020: 饶允华
2018: 伊丽莎白一个. 井
2017: 凯拉憔悴
2016: 艾莉米. Hisama
2015: Sherrie塔克
2014: 莫林马洪
2013: 黛博拉黄 

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